Business Succession

When transferring business ownership to your successors, all tax and legal issues should be clarified as early as possible.

There are many aspects to be considered when it comes to handing over your business to your successors. In addition to personal considerations, inheritance and corporate legal issues need to be taken into consideration. We would be pleased to assist you in this decision-making process and assist you with all tax and financial issues when transferring your company.

The challenge

The process of company succession usually means an incision into the entire company structure. Handling a succession successfully means starting the process early on, thinking about all alternatives in the initial phase and taking into account the numerous tax and legal issues.

We are happy to assist and walk you through the transfer of your business.

Your benefits

Our team has an excellent education in tax and business consulting. You can count on the know-how of our specialists to take your company succession to its optimum - and just the way you want it to.
